Automotive Training Institute (ATI)

How to Get Paid for Your Services

The virtual collision training you can't afford to miss!

While space is available!

How much are you leaving in insurers' pockets each year?

Unfortunately, the phrase "we don't pay for that" has become all-too-common in the collision business world, and if you're like most shop owners, you’re fed up. 

So what's an owner to do when each year insurers become more brazen and exacting regarding what they contend is owed for shop services? Arm yourself with knowledge.

Join ATI's webinar, "How to Get Paid for Your Services," to discover strategies on how to fight for what you're owed.

reserve your virtual seat!

Discover insider tips on how to:

Get Paid Fairly: Learn how to effectively negotiate, submit estimates, and present your case to secure fair and prompt payments.

Prevent Short Pays: Discover proven techniques to avoid getting short-changed for your services.

Improve Profitability: Explore innovative ways to maximize your revenue and boost profitability.


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What attendees say...

“The tools that I have learned from ATI have allowed me to improve my business year after year resulting in a current weekly lift of $23,193.88. With the help of my team we have been able to build our program to the point of growing to a second facility this year”.

Drew Bryant – DB Orlando Collision